Monday, August 25, 2008


I want you guys to tell me what you think about this Presidental Election? and who you would vote for if you had the chance? and Why?


Preston said...

I think if ohbama is elected it will be one of the worst things that ever happened to this country.

Blake said...

I agree with preston. I don't think that I would vote. I think that both of the candidates suck. But I would vote for McCain just so Obama doesn't get in.

AudraCrockett said...

hey i agree with all you guys...but i think we should like mccain a little more, he is a pretty good person so ya.:D hehe GO MACCAIN!! CUZ WE HATE OBAMA!

Alex said...
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Michael J said...

I tend to get really passionate about politics so I will stay as analytical as I possibly can.
Obama (and most other far left liberals) are fundamentally communist. He may mean well (I will admit right now that in theory communism is a good form of government, but it is almost impossible for it to operate the way it is supposed to), but implementing his political ideas will ruin us as a nation.
For instance, he wants to pull the troops out of the middle east. This is the absolute wrong choice. Let me use a pharmacuetical example. If you treat a major infection with anti-biotics and don't treat it completely it will come back stronger. The same thing will happen in the middle east.
Also, as far as I remember democrats have the majority in both the house and the senate (please do correct me if I am mistaken). With that kind of co-operation, especially with the speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi, democrats could do some major damage to the way that people are able to freely live their lives.
I would like to close saying that I refused to watch the Democratic National Convention. Therefore I do not have the latest news on Obama's plans for the country. If he has changed any policy plans I stated in this comment or I stated anything incorrect, please let me know!

HarriSON said...

Thank you Guys!
I really injoy looking at what you guys think about this Election

Keep on Commenting Please!!

Alex said...

Also, Democrats aren't realistic in their thinking. They want to pull our troops out of the middle east because it's costing too much money supposedly. And then they talk about how they want health care for every one, and every gets a paid tuition for college, and they want to pay off the national debt, and they wnat the imigrants to be able to stay in america and let them get health care and every thing too. Where are they going to come up with the money for that? They support gay marriage and abortion. What'll they do when the population begins to decrease? Or if all of California burns down and starts to burn the other states?

A quick side note, the Californian barbeque started the day after the courts in California flipped the vote for gay marriage (Everyone voted against it, but they made the law otherwise). They'll soon be having a revote and it'd be smart of them to keep gay marriage out of the picture.
Also, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans before their scheduled gay nude parade.

Anyways, Democrats are just trying to please everybody, and aren't sticking to realistic issues.

Bruce said...

I think Obama is a joke. The man has done nothing missing more than half of the votes during his current service in the senate. He has no opinions of his own. John McCain will unite our country and be a great leader... Barack will be exposed

Jack Anderson said...

I defy all of you to provide evidence proving that your comments are anything other than slander. Thank you, that is all.

Christian Swenson said...
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Christian Swenson said...
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Christian Swenson said...

I have a few things to say to you:

Alex Lee: It's spelled Huckabee, not Hucabey (try to do better if you want to sound intelligent at all). And John McCain did NOT choose him as his running mate, and hadn't chosen ANYONE when you posted your comment (you also need to improve where you get your facts from).

Also, I am intrigued by why you are so basically opposed to Islam. Do you realize that some people (including myself) consider that racism?

Michael: I admire your intelligence and willingness to admit that communism is not necessarily a bad thing. Personally, I admit that it would be in some ways a bad idea to pull out from Iraq, but I, unlike most people, believe America shouldn't be the world's policeman. It's just an excuse for imperialism (economically speaking).

And finally, I make a wild guess by saying that most of you (Michael and Jack most likely excepted) heard your opinions on the matter from your parents and then adopted them. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. With the Mormon candidate for the Republican nomination receiving almost 90% of the vote in Utah, free thinking is the most important thing for us right now.

Also, be sure to visit my blog and comment on my post: Free Will: Allowed?. I'm sure it will be entertaining.

Michael J said...

Christian : I really like the way you think. I will say that a couple of my opinions originated from my father, how ever most of them do not.

May I ask why you think that we shouldn't be the worlds policeman? We've been doing pretty good so far. Also, what do you mean by "imperialism (economically speaking)".

I would also like to say that I don't consider Obama to be part of the Islam religion.

Alex: Sorry, but I agree with Christian on this one. Also, the senator from Alaska got selected as the VP today.

Alex said...

Sorry on Huckabee's name. I haven't seen the name for awhile so I forgot how to spell it.

Sorry on the Islam thing. I'm not opposed to the Islam religion. Sorry if that was taken the wrong way. If you knew me, you'd know that I have a flambouant sense of humor (most of which I get from my dad). I'm not racist or anything. I even make fun of my own religion and country. That comment I made on the 26th was something I picked up somewhere a while ago, and I found it rather humorous. I also had drinken an energy drink that day and again, if you knew me, I start rambling of jokes more than usual. Veiwing Michael J's blog might help understand this.

The Running Mate thing was another mistake. I heard from the wrong sources that McCain had picked Huckabee, and well...yeah. Call me stupid cause I get that way some times. By the way, I think it was an excellent move for McCain to pick Palin.

I agree with Michael. America has done a pretty good job so far with helping the world. And if we didn't do what we do, how would countries get help? Should we not try and help countries to have the freedom we enjoy? Should we stand by idly while a country is plotting world domination, or is being bullied by another country?

Again Christian, I apologize for the Islam comment. I didn't mean it in a racially (sorry if that's not spelt right) offensive way.

And Jack, I bet most of us probably aren't elaborating on our opinions. If you would like me to do so, just ask.

Blake said...

um..... I would love to add something right now i dislike you christian and here is a good reason. you think that you are smarting than us all just trying to boss us around like we are some stupid people and I know that Alex was kidding about the Islamic Religion and you don't really even know the kid to get what the heck his is even trying to say. Also I do think that the whole Palin as the running mate is a good idea. Here is why and I didn't adopt this from my parents. McCain is a liberal republican. So basically there are no conservatives running. He needed her to get alot of the votes that he needs. Also with all the Hillary supporters that dislike Barack were undecided and now some of them will vote for McCain because he picked a woman as his running mate. Thanks you.

Alex said...

THANK YOU BLAKE! I appreiciated that. Also I agree with about Christian. No offence Christian, but, just because you might be smarter than us, doesn't give you the right to boss us around, make fun of our opinions, or treat us like crap.

Blake, I think I know what you're saying about McCain being part Liberal, but I'm not sure. Explain a bit.

AudraCrockett said...

Wow you guys really go all the way. let's not be rude on people's opinions. who cares if we get it from our parents thats noramlly how we get our opinions in our early age. it is rude to say that we shouldn't even listen to what our parents think. i wouldn't be a conservative if my parents wouldn't of talked about it.
you feed off of your parent's opinions and then create your own on top of theirs. i agree with blake totally because mccain really is a liberal conservative he has some conservative ideas but then a lot of liberal ideas. but i do think he is better than obama because obama believes in a lot of evil things.
but let's all be nice and care about each other's opinons.

Alex said...

Yeah. Audra's right. We should all get along, hold hands, and sing coom bye ya.

Yeah. McCain's got a Liberal in him, and he is better than Obama. I'm a bit scared to see how the next four years unfolds, or worse, the next eight years.

Obama has supported some pretty evil things. Watch this video on YouTube. You'll be horrified.

Michael J said...

I would like to apologize to Alex for my last comment.

McCain is a liberal-republican, but anyone is better than Obama. Most of the reasons for this have already been stated on this post and the ensuing comments. But to emphasize what I said before he is practically a communist.

Another thing that I think hasn't been brought up is his opinion on drilling for American oil. He is against it! We need to drill in America to save our economy and increase our independence.

cumbaya, My lord, cumbaya...

Christian Swenson said...

I'm sorry about my rude comments. Sometimes I get that way when I'm angry. Simply, I would appreciate it to live in a state where you're vote actually matters. Look at these comments, all of you, except for me and Jack, despise Obama. That's not right. It should be 50-50.

I know Alex was kidding about the Obama-Islam thing, but frankly, that kind of humor is sick and wrong. It's kind of like my brother's friends who use the n-word frequently in conversation and refer to any Hispanic people as 'mexicans' in a derisive manner.

John McCain is a very intelligent man, and here is a reason why: he chose Palin as his running mate. It appeals to former Hilary supporters, and adds the inexperienced Obama-appeal to his campaign. It was a brilliant choice.

It's actually the other way around, John McCain is super conservative, but so is Obama. At least, that's what they'd be considered in Europe. If you're looking for a truly liberal candidate, try Ralph Nader.

About the Iraq thing, I just want peace. Seriously, Switzerland has been neutral and at peace for hundreds of years. That's got to mean something, doesn't it?

I repeat: I'm angry because you all have the same opinion. It's so homogeneous here it's scary. It's like the Borg. Your vote in Utah doesn't matter. It will ALWAYS be Republican. Frankly, the Mormons (that is most) of Utah wouldn't vote for Jesus if he ran as a democrat (that's sarcasm by the way). People don't put thought into their vote here. Do you know how I know this? Mitt Romney (the Mormon Republican candidate) won almost 90% of the vote in the Utah Republican primary. 30% is normal. 50% indicates a slight bias on the parts of the voters, but 90%?! That's scary. Almost no one in Utah thinks for themselves. Don't believe me? Then prove me wrong.

I apologize for any potentially rude comments I made in the above section. Sorry.

Michael J said...

Christian: You write a post about free will and you say that the vote should be 50-50? Frankly, it does matter whether or not people put thought into their vote, but they obviously have made the choice to do so.

What does is matter if we all despise Obama, he deserves it! He doesn't even care about his own family (which is something we "Mormons" hold as a high priority). Did you here the speech where he reffered to his grandmother as a "typical white woman"? And have you heard about his brother in Kenya? Go do some research.

If Obama is conservative, I am the King of France.

Peace doesn't happen. People and nations will disagree. Some of these nations will take extreme measures against the other. It is the way life works.

Mr. Dye said...

I am quite concerned with the nature of these comments. I am not afraid of discussing politics. In fact, I would really like for my students to be well-informed about politics. However, I am concerned about bigoted political discussions. Please withhold further discussion on this topic until class. I would like to have a conversation about what it means to be politically informed. I also would like to have a class discussion on how to carry on a respectful conversation with someone with whom we may disagree.

Mr. Dye

HarriSON said...

wow! I'm sorry Mr. Dye I didn't think it would get these far. Personally I think it's really cool that everybody voiced their oppinions! Thanks you guys(and Girls)

Alex said...

Harrison, I think it's a good idea that no one posts stuff about politics cause things can get wild, this is the example.